SDG Finance Academy – Asia Pacific

15 JUNE, 2023

During the 2023 regional SDG Finance Week, UNDP is hosting the newest cohort of its SDG Finance Academy in Bangkok from 14-16 June, focused on finance as an enabler for sustainable development.

A foundation of knowledge and skills for UNDP country offices and partners around the world, the Academy ensures the success of all UNDP’s efforts. Its targeted training and networking sessions on topics crucial for financing sustainable development are creating a global network of subject-matter experts in marshalling public and private financing for the SDGs.

Enabling UNDP’s Signature Solutions  

The Bangkok Academy gives UNDP staff in the region the skills and tools they need to co-design innovative financing solutions for meeting governments’ SDG and climate targets. Participants will learn how UNDP’s approach to sustainable finance contributes to achieving its Signature Solutions (especially those on Environment and climate, Ending poverty and Gender equality).  

At the end of the two-day session, participants will have the skills they need to help national partners tailor sustainable financing portfolios to national needs – facilitating UNDP’s ‘moonshot’ target of marshalling a combined US$1 trillion in public and private finance for the SDGs.  

Through the Academy and its other sustainable finance work, UNDP is strengthening the global finance architecture to put people and the planet on par with profits, and leaves no one behind.