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Our work areas

Gender equality and finance

EQUANOMICS is UNDP's flagship initiative to dismantle economic structures that generate and perpetuate gender inequality. UNDP provides the following services to countries:

  • Aligning private capital towards gender equality through financial centres, identifying gender smart investment opportunities and developing gender responsive bond frameworks.
  • Placing gender equality at the core of the Integrated National Financing Frameworks to help 86 countries to better plan and align public and private finance with gender-equality commitments and the SDGs.
  • Building capacity on gender equality and finance through technical assistance and the Global Learning Lab on Gender Equal Economies which aims to help economists and policymakers re-think the future of work and equipping them with knowledge to steer structural shifts.
  • Expanding care systems and services to increase economic security and bridge the gaps for women through UNDP's support.
  • Supporting Ministries of Finance and Tax Authorities to develop gender-responsive fiscal policies, including through tax system reforms, by integrating gender equality priorities throughout the budget process and at the institution level with the Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions.
  • Generating data and evidence to influence policy and to build a better understanding of the discrimination embedded in current economies and policies, as well as the social biases and norms that are preventing progress. For example, the Gender Social Media Monitoring Tool monitors in real time existing hate speech and biases in social media platforms.