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Integrated National Financing Frameworks

Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) enable countries to strengthen financial planning and mobilize public and private capital for meeting their sustainable development objectives. UNDP’s support for INFF development lays the foundation for countries to finance their SDG targets and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in line with the Paris Agreement.  

To date, 86 countries are using the INFF approach to strengthen financing for sustainable development. Thirteen national and subnational governments have an operational financing strategy, and more than 50 countries are implementing reforms shaped through their INFF. Analysis of reforms implemented by 17 of these countries finds $16 billion in new finance leveraged for investment in sustainable development and alignment and scope for alignment of more than $32 billion. 

INFFs lay out countries’ full range of financing sources – domestic and international, public and private finance – and shape strategies to increase investment, manage risk and implement sustainable development strategies. UNDP provides leadership and technical expertise to governments in designing INFFs tailored to each country’s unique sustainable development context.

You can access the INFF building block guidance here: Inception phase | Assessment and diagnostics | Financing strategy | Monitoring and review | Governance and coordination