UNDP’s SDG Finance in the Arab States
07 FEBRUARY, 2022

Despite the risks still facing the global economy, economic prospects remain positive for the Arab States region. However, the extent of that recovery is expected to vary among countries. UNDP with the partners supports countries of the Arab States region to develop their own integrated, transformative and inclusive finance solutions to tackle the interconnected challenges of poverty, vulnerability, inequality and exclusion.
- Integrated National Financing Frameworks that strengthen the integration of planning and financing processes to better align budgets to the national priorities and the SDGs, while strengthening the SDG impact investment, are being implemented in Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.
- SDG-aligned investment opportunities are already identified in Djibouti and Jordan while Morocco and Tunisia are about to complete their SDG Investor Maps. The Djibouti SDG Investor Map has identified 21 investment themes and has recently been launched at a ceremony opened by the Prime Minister.
- UNDP with OECD support two countries in building their tax audit capacity through the Tax Inspection Without Borders (TIWB) programmes. TIWB in Egypt contributed to an additional $31.7million in tax collected by Egyptian Tax Authority.
- The Insurance and Risk Finance Facility is set to support Algeria and Jordan, with more countries joining at a later stage, with risk financing solutions developed with industry.
- Egypt and Morocco take initial steps towards SDG-aligned bonds issuances to finance national development priorities.
- UNDP Jordan in partnership with UN Women, Social Value International and the UN Global Compact Network in Jordan developed an impact management and measurement curriculum based on the SDG Impact Practice Standards and Women’s Empowerment Principles. The first training included the top 20 listed companies on the Amman Stock Exchange.
- UNDP Egypt actively promotes impact management practices and the co-financing incentives schemes with technical assistance are estimated to have triggered USD 969 million private sector investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transportation.
- Business Call to Action and UNDP Tunisia have developed a report on the inclusive business ecosystem in Tunisia identifying opportunities for the development of the ecosystem and the promotion of the private sector's role in the achievement of SDGs and also launched the Inclusive Innovation Journey.
- As part of the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy sponsored by the Islamic Development Bank, UNDP Morocco has supported two Moroccan NGOs – Alamal Fémine and Alfai9 – in launching a crowdfunding campaign to finance the redevelopment of an educational space for orphaned students and programs for the Moroccan youth. UNDP Morocco is planning to support nine other local Moroccan NGOs and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Bank Al-Maghrib – Morocco’s central bank – to accelerate the implementation of the Integrated National Financing Framework.