Framework for SDG Aligned Finance


Framework for SDG Aligned Finance

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Framework for SDG Aligned Finance

24 April, 2020

The framework focuses on mobilizing and enhancing development impact of private finance through alignment to the SDGs. To this end, the scope of the framework encompasses private actors (asset managers, pension funds, credit rating agencies, commercial and investment banks, etc.) but also public authorities (governments, central banks, development finance institutions, etc.) - given their role to provide the right environment and set the right incentives to allow the private sector to achieve SDG alignment. As Covid-19 demonstrates, the role of governments and public resources are critical to achieving alignment. The public sector can play a role in shaping market forces, correcting market failures, through providing regulatory forward guidance and bringing transparency and accountability to end SDG washing, and stepping into the market directly as investors and providers of public goods. In addition, given the development ministers mandate, the framework gives particular attention to the structural challenges of countries most in need, including LDCs and SIDS. 

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