Gender-responsive and socially inclusive climate cost-benefit analysis


Gender-responsive and socially inclusive climate cost-benefit analysis

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Gender-responsive and socially inclusive climate cost-benefit analysis

15 February, 2023

The aim of these Guidelines: Gender-responsive and socially inclusive climate cost-benefit analysis (CCBA) is to facilitate factoring potential climate change impacts into a conventional project cost-benefit analysis, and ensuring robust evaluation and selection criteria for enhanced social welfare impact.

The publication aims to provide a framework for analyzing climate change projects with an easily understood systematic project appraisal process that policymakers and planning agencies can apply, with dedicated attention to distributional effects related to gender equality and social inclusion.

Particularly, this Guide may serve as a tool for integrating climate change into planning through the preparation of prioritized climate-informed budget submissions, but could also be considered for all relevant public investments and inform public policies that affect private investments, such as regulations and incentives.

Running examples and real-life case studies are also presented to help operationalize the guidance material, including the illustration of more detailed CCBAs for larger investments, as well as options for more rapid/light assessments opinion for smaller initiatives. 

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