INFFs and Agriculture Finance


INFFs and Agriculture Finance

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INFFs and Agriculture Finance

15 May, 2023

This guidance material complements the global INFF guidance documents, anchored in the 2015
Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). It is a helping hand to identify and clarify relevant approaches and actions from the INFF for bolstering Agriculture Financing, embedded in country-specific, integrated national efforts. It can serve to enhance policy coherence by strengthening horizontal integration of agriculture policies across financing policy areas, improving vertical integration of agriculture-related national goals and strategies, and enhance overall stakeholder mobilization and coordination for integrated financing policymaking.

The guidance material can support countries to approach existing and emerging topics like green
recovery in agriculture by raising and aligning finance and bringing together actors. It highlights entry points for agriculture-related policymakers, Agriculture Financing specialists, development partners and private sector actors to support Agriculture Financing policymaking.

This note is for various public and private stakeholders in agricultural financing, including
policymakers, government officials, development partners, and actors in the agriculture
sector, who have different mandates and responsibilities and are interested in
implementing the INFFs.

About INFF technical guidance documents

In response to the considerable and growing interest from countries to receive further guidance and support to design the INFFs, additional technical guidance documents, built on existing global guidance, are now published to provide practical support to INFF country-level implementation.

The technical guidance documents are tailored to specific country contexts, SDG sectors, and financing policy areas, all benefiting from initial insights and country experiences. The documents are intended to assist policymakers in the identification of sectoral and country group challenges, and policymaking that finance the national sustainable development objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the INFFs.

The technical guidance documents strengthen the feedback loop between country-level implementation on the one hand, and global guidance work and technical assistance and capacity development efforts on the other. The documents will continue to be living documents, and will be updated as country experience, insight, and learning about the application of the INFF approach to the challenges of financing the SDGs at the country level keeps progressing. 

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