
Our Focus

Budgeting for SDGs

Budgeting for the SDGs enables countries to direct their budgets to sustainable and inclusive development. UNDP has pioneered methodologies, tools, and approaches to support Ministries in integrating the SDGs into public expenditures.

Working in more than 50 countries, these services include:  

  • Linking strategic budgeting processes to the SDGs
  • SDG budget coding and tagging
  • Local-level budgeting for the SDGs
  • SDG aligned Results Based Budgeting
  • Public-sector SDG impact measurement and management (IMM)
  • SDG-focused budget transparency, accountability and public participation

Budgeting for the SDGs addresses issues such as climate action, biodiversity, gender equality, inclusive growth, and governance. It also enables integration with other SDG-focused public financial management reforms.